char2274 Member


  • Hello I am recovering from back surgery so I know what your limitations are. I am 7 month post op and have started a walking plan. I walk 30 mins every day that I can. Start by walking slowly then gradually speed up at your own pace. My neuro surgeon suggested walking,recumbent bike and swimming. He also recommended taking…
  • I am tring to follow 1200 calorie diet. At the end of the dayI have not consumed enough calories. So I have now added snacks.Looking at my totals today i have alot of calories left for supper but looks like it's mostly carbs I need to have Help!! ::explode:
  • I am with you too! I am 1lb heavier today than last week. I also am not eating enough calories. My problem partly is I get to work and am busy and don't take the time to to eat snacks. I have started walking after a recent back surgery so my exercise is limited but I am really watching what I eat and can't seem to get in…
  • Hello I am also new,was having problems posting before. I have recently had back surgery and put on alot of weight. I posted a few minutes before. I might add I have a desk job and do not move about alot except at lunch then I walk for 30 mins. Another problem I am having is I get off work at 5pm. My commute home is about…
  • I having trouble with the weight loss and it seems to be i am eating too few calories. I have recently had back surgery and put on alot of weight and was unable to exercise. Now i am back to work and walking at lunch but i am counting my calories and i am having trouble getting in 1200. Any suggestions