

  • My cardiologist recently told me that my heart rate is slightly higher than most people because my blood-pressure meds have a diuretic component to it (HCTZ is what's in mine), which tends to raise pulse rate. Perhaps your meds have a diuretic in it as well? You should definitely talk to a doctor / cardiologist though…
  • I too had a similar reaction to, of all things, chocolate. Once upon a time, I was a chocoholic. Every day I would eat chocolate in some form. For the past two years, I have eliminated most chocolates. Recently while on a vacation, I indulged in a TINY bit of chocolate and as a result ended up doubled over in pain. My…
  • Hi Wendy! I am also new to this site and was diagnosed with diabetes in September 2008. Good for you for joining a place that can provide a lot of self-education as well as support from others! Tracy
  • :laugh: Alf, I have actually taken a four day course with diabetes educators and registered dieticians...great info and they also worked with me one on one regarding our likes/dislikes of foods and a general meal plan. It has been a year now since I finished that class. Perhaps it is time for a refresher! :happy: The good…
  • :happy: Singfree...thanks for the thoughts about GI...I will double check all my foods. And thanks to you and :happy: Swissmiss for the encouragement! Isn't it great to know that we can start fresh anytime we get off track? :smile: Have a great week everyone!
  • A word of caution: when you juice fruits and vegetables, you are drinking a LOT of carbohydrates at one time. While it may taste good and appear healthy, check out the carb count on the recipes you would be juicing. I bet you will find that it is too much all at once. You should try to spread out your carb intake…
  • Meganwojo... you rock! Thank you so much for the info, and for getting it so fast! And this does help...I certainly can afford the room in my diet for a few wings... YIPPEE!
  • Greetings everyone! I am checking five of my membershhip here on MFP. I am a bit frustrated with my blood-sugar. The reason I joined was that I was have spikes and drops in my readiings. As a diabetic, that is very frustrating. I needed to be able to see in a table format how I was spreading out my carbs…
  • Having it all has a good point...I have diabetes and whenever my blood sugar drops, I get very cold. As she suggested, if I have a few nuts and a small piece of fruit, I feel better within the hour. Remember that there are lots of natural sugars that are good for you, just don't over do it! Tracy
  • In my house, we like to sprinkle a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg on the top of the speghetti squash before serving (if it is a stand alone side-dish). Another tip is to use spaghetti squash as a rice replacement in Asian (Chinese) dishes...yum!
  • SwissMiss...thanks for the encouragement! It is also kind of painful at first to log everything I put in my mouth...I am sure I am not alone here! :tongue: Good job on that 4 pounds! Keep going!
  • I was diagnosed with diabetes a little over a year ago. The guidance that I received is that you should try to concentrate not so much on the sugar intake but the total carbohydrate content...sugar is counted within the carb count. For my particular style of eating (3 meals and 2 snacks per day) it was recommended that I…
  • Greetings everyone! I just signed up with this website last night with my younger sister's encouragement. I turned 40 last October and was also diagnosed with diabetes last year. I have done well with adapting my diet to eat better foods and keep my carb count to approriate levels but I am struggling at keeping my…