What's you're secret? Did you weigh everything? You look fantastic!!!
Pamela - congrats on making the change! Your body will thank you for the improved health and your image will thank you when you look in the mirror! Best of luck to you during this transformation!
Thanks Roda Rose!!!
Good luck to you! You can DO it!!!
I don't know if anyone will see this or not - I just figured out how to find my posts instead of looking all over heck for one posting!!! Very insightful... love what was brought! Thank you so much for offering me the support! Best of luck to all of you - no matter where you find yourselves!!! Keep it up!
Welcome!!! Best of luck to you!!!
I don't have any pointers but I want to offer you encouragement. You have done a GREAT job!!! Keep it up! :)
VERY informative VISMAL!
Wow! You rock!
Why can't I ever see the pics on these posts... is it something to do with my work computer settings/restrictions?
I've been looking for a virgin...not to "spoil" it -- but because I want to wait until marriage -- after having had my fair share of partners. I think it's cool. Your weight is fine but bulk up if you want -- friend me :)
Are you still on? I'm in Omaha - how far is that - looks like within your distance.
Bambogli- Love the name by the way! It reminds me of mogli from the jungle book! I have NO good advice for you -- I am stringing together my own weight loss with a lot of internet reading and support from people here. But I do want to say CONGRATS! On finding something that works for you and for doing it consistently!…
Atlanta Bob - you crack me up!
I'm smart! But crazy too - yikes!!! This topic is a blast - I'm glad it was started :)
Thank you for saying that! I've tried running many times and my lungs struggle to make even a mile... I'm starting a new program to try and run a 5k by next spring - I'm giving myself that much time because running is just HARD for me... my legs can handle to running it's my lungs that can't and I'm hoping they improve.…