brazenhazen Member


  • Yes. I watched the movie last week. From someone who was purposely on a high protein diet it was a bit of an eye opener. I don't know if being vegan, but I made instant changes in my diet.
  • Make a budget and determine what expenses the household creates for the month and/or year. Both parties should agree that they are equally responsible to pay these expenses (groceries, utilities, mortgage, car payments, insurance). If not remove the item such as a particularly expensive cell phone plan or old student loan.…
  • I've used the site many times. Watch your serving serving sizes on the smaller pizza's. They switch from 1/6 to 1/4 of a pizza depending on the crust. So thin crust is accually less like you would think. Also don't trust the Cal-O-meter all the time. I beleive the PDF is more accurate, but more confusing.