

  • Hi, I'm 6ft and i'm currently 324lbs which is my highest. I only started my journey a month ago and i have not lost much in terms of weight but I have started at the gym but i've dropped a dress size :) I'm doing this for myself but my main motivation is my wedding in August 2015. I would like to get down to about 210lbs.…
  • Hi all of you lovely engaged people. Congratulations to you all :) Just wanted to see how everyone is doing with losing for their wedding? I've set myself a little challenge with a treat at the end! For every lb I lose I will put £5 into my savings account and once i've lost 40lbs I will treat myself to go try on wedding…
  • Hey, You can count me in also. My wedding isn't till 29th August 2015 but I have a huge goal and I want to look beautiful on my wedding day and learn to not be so camera shy. I'm looking forward to the transformation and also trying on wedding dress's (i have no clue what is going to suit me) i'm currently 23 stone and a…
  • Hi, thanks for your kind messages. I am thankful for this site as it certainly makes you realise that you are not alone. My partner is supportive but she forgets herself alot. She is also vegetarian and I'm not so I'm used to keeping our foods separate but on the same hand it has introduced me to quorn which can be tasty…
  • Hi, thank you for sharing your story. Like yourself I also have a lot to lose although I am not sticking to a certain number. I'm currently 23 stone at the age of 25 which is hell of a lot and I can certainly feel it. Feel free to add me as I believe that losing weight with a friend is easier than doing it alone. Fight for…
  • Certainly, group motivation is always good. Feel free to add me :) xxx
  • Good Morning, I want to start by losing 60lbs and then go from there. I'm somewhat new to this side of My Fitness Pal. You're welcome to add me if you like xxx
    in new Comment by GiantMadness January 2014
  • Hi I'm 25, 26 in April. Feel free to add me if you wish. Somewhat new to this side of My Fitness Pal xxx