Move to Australia. Everyone here is aesthetic. When they see your dedication they will want to do it too, that's what happened with me anyway
Likes to party
Also 20 y/o Aus brah here! I'm from SA though
5'10" 89kg 15% bf Tossing up whether to go on a cut or just keep bulking very slowly Would like to get to 80kg LBM by the end of the year Currently bench 100kg x 1, deadlift 160kg x 5, OHP 70kg x 3, Squats I'm not sure because of various reasons and a recurring injury , but around 100kg x 10 when I used to do it…
If it's possible to attach pictures to posts I'll give you all my infographic recipes. :brokenheart: :brokenheart:
Hail the true king!
Previously I had been working out sparsely throughout high-school (I recall being 68kg in year 12), but last year something clicked and I started really getting into fitness & health information and working out, I've been lifting 6 days a week for the past 13 or 14 months and have put on ~20kg. I have been counting…
Obviously it should be Zyzz, the true high king. Or Jeff Or Scoobs Or Rippetoe Or Frank Or Klokov