silviaandersonsmith Member


  • My goals are: 1) To commit and finish the 30 days Squat challenge. It will feel good to actually do something by myself and finish the workout 2) To start working out on my own and not sit around the house 3) To take the dog for a walk or run at least once a day 4) To gain self confidence to believe in myself
  • Greetings. I've never done this before so I figured I would introduce myself as well. I have been married for 6 years and have a beautiful 5 years old daughter. My weight sky rocketed after I gave birth, yet some how I lost weight, going from 199 pounds to 154 pounds. However, I presume stress and honestly late night binge…
  • Being self confident again. Wearing my pre-baby weight clothing. Being more self active like running, doing yoga and honestly playing with my daughter because right now all I have energy for is breathing.