

  • Know how you feel! I gained 10 lbs but it's all relative to body structure & medical stuff in my case and I seriously can afford to gain the weight....grrr Guess eating a tub of Hagen Daz Icecream twice this past weekend does not help. Off to walk a mile now and get my gluts to know they exist lol
  • There are no other words to say except "Well done"
  • You are a grown woman, exactly why can you not take control of your own life at this point? Choice is something we are given, which includes choosing to be a victim. This is a diet and fitness website, perhaps you should be asking yourself why you are choosing this public forum to air your private life so publicly? Why not…
  • Your story is wonderful, I pray my daughter logs on for the first time tomorrow and reads your inspiration and makes the change herself. Well done!
  • Wow, it is so interesting to hear the journey and see your face change throughout the process! Men seriously do not carry weight well at all, but what a lovely looking man (as no doubt your wife and family agree) as you begin to see the 'real' you hiding under all that fat! Way to go and don't stop now.