thelifeilove1 Member


  • A diet break isn't really a "stop". You just plan to eat at maintenance level instead of in a deficit, everything else stays the same If you're interested, there's a thread about it:[/quote] [/quote] I will read this thread later.…
  • Other than a failed day here and there, no. I have learned it’s too easy for the break to be the end of discipline. I’ve committed to this lifestyle from necessity, I cannot stop; this must be for life.
  • No, I don't think Januvia has a diuretic element to it. It just works with the pancreas on insulin production and on the liver to discourage the overproduction of glycocin which becomes fat if overproduced by the body.
  • Though I don't use the scale each time any longer, if its something I frequently eat, I'm pretty good at keeping the amount where it needs to be and enter my recipes in the recipe section to determine the right amounts. Otherwise, yes I use a digital food scale or a measuring cup as appropriate.
  • I didn’t even try. But I did appreciate his teaching moment. I told him he better start carrying around those two bags so he can carry me when I lose the rest of my burden.
  • It's been a while since I've come to the message boards. Just been busy, but not quit working on this years long project. Last week or so my husband came in from a trip to Lowes and asked me to come out to his car. In the front seat were two bags of concrete mix. He asked me to pick one up and I looked at him, laughed and…
  • I have such a difficult time in getting my caloric burn above 2000, which means my intake must be very low to lose. We've added biking at least three times a week into the mix. Yesterday's long bike ride was followed by a long continuous swim. Low and behold the Fitbit calculated my burn to be greater than 2300! Now if…
  • I'm resolved everyday is a start over regardless what the day before looked like. We just have to keep pushing and not get thrown by the occasional poor choices.
  • Great news for you. Great news for me. I'm waivering around 192-190 presently. Have added some pretty serious biking to the routine of logging every bite and averaging a deficit of 500 calories daily. That scale is obstinately hanging around that weight and will not move with any permanance. This is the first time I've…
  • I arrived at where you are last year. I log every bite and own my mistakes as well as my victories, by logging everything. After a year of losing an average of 1 pound per week, I was able to add some exercise and have just started biking 3-4 times per week, since a walking effort led to tendonitis I'm still recovering…
  • 10 miles in 1 hr and 5 min on the bike ride this morning. Ride is through farmland in the delta of the Arkansas River. Simply beautiful country.
  • I've had this struggle in the past, too. We have both mother's (mine and my husbands) living in apartments on our property. I shop and cook for all, but their differing tastes and my watching my intake so closely has made us be chronic eaters out. The past two weeks I've been trying to turn that around, and there has been…
  • Super Summer Slimdown B) Name: Charlotte Age: 64 Height: 5’2" Highest Weight: 245 Start Weight (June 1, 2018): 194.6 Goal Weight (August 1, 2018): 185 June 11: 191.9 June 17: June 24: July 1: 191.4 July 10: 191.1 July 15: 190.6 Weight -/+ this week: =-.5 Weight -/+ this challenge: -4 Total weight lost: -54 Lord, have…
  • [ Though I'm not experiencing that at this moment, in the past if I feel ravenous I go to Olive Garden and order the endless soup bowl of minestrone. I then eat as much of it as I want until sated. It works for me.
  • Made a bicycle ride of better than six miles this week three times. It's starting to feel a bit more comfortable. If only my bottom will fall into adapting to the seat. I'd like to get my added burn up to 500 kcals per ride.
  • Super Summer Slimdown B) Name: Charlotte Age: 64 Height: 5’2" Highest Weight: 245 Start Weight (June 1, 2018): 194.6 Goal Weight (August 1, 2018): 185 June 11: 191.9 June 17: June 24: July 1: 191.4 July 10: 191.1 Weight -/+ this week: =.3 Weight -/+ this challenge: -3.5 Total weight lost: -54
  • Five years ago we were camping with, our daughter, Sarah’s family over the fourth holiday. It was a lovely little park on a lake nearby and we had a wonderful time until the day of the fourth when two accidents occurred. Early in the day our son-in-law, Kris, was teaching their older son, Isaac, about axe safety, but not…
  • Sorry I've gone missing. I'm having some kind of weirdness with my computer. It'll let me sign on, but when I try to navigate to different places in MyFitnessPal it knocks me out. Needless to say it slows down getting the real work done here, logging food and exercise, and means less time for coming here. I am on course…
  • Hello, all. My activity level has really dropped this past 3 weeks due to an achilles tendonitis. PT started two weeks ago. Really trying to cut my intake to still get in a -500 daily -- hence a 1 pound per week loss. Today, we bought me a bicycle. I'm a little apprehensive as the last time I was on one was about 5 years…
  • Air popped popcorn is a good, low calorie option for me. I'll even add a teeny drizzle of honey to give it something for some salt to stick to. You can eat a lot of popcorn for under 100 calories. I've decided it's things with fiber that help fill me up. If you have more room, I like using Kashi Go Leans Original cereal…
  • I'm celebrating here today. Today is the first year anniversary of my current weight loss effort (yes, there have been many times before). My goal was one pound a week and I was really cutting it close. I was elated to get on the scale this morning and be down a total of 53.1 pounds. Even better was celebrating with my…
  • Super Summer Slimdown B) Name: Charlotte Age: 64 Height: 5’2" Highest Weight: 245 Start Weight (June 1, 2018): 194.6 Goal Weight (August 1, 2018): 185 6/1- 6/8 focus: Hydrate! Try to get your water in every day this week. How I did: :I'm pretty consistent with 7-10 cups. June 11: 191.9 June 17: June 24: July 1: Weight -/+…
  • Karen Takes Charge Challenge! :wink: (Aka Kicking Butt in May) Name: Charlotte Age: 64 Height: 5’2” Highest Weight: 245 Start Weight (May 1, 2018): 199.8 Goal Weight (May 31, 2018): 193 May 1 – 199.8 May 6 - traveling, didn't weigh May 13- 198.5 May 20 - 197 May 27 - 194.6 May 31 - (6/3) 196.3 (Changed the dates for myself…
  • Karen Takes Charge Challenge! :wink: (Aka Kicking Butt in May) Name: Charlotte Age: 64 Height: 5’2” Highest Weight: 245 Start Weight (May 1, 2018): 199.8 Goal Weight (May 31, 2018): 193 May 1 – 199.8 May 6 - traveling, didn't weigh May 13- 198.5 May 20 - 197 May 27 - 194.6 May 31 - (Changed the dates for myself a bit since…
  • X100KLS1992 wrote: » I totally understand. I'm pleased they get to goal but it upsets me that I have so much more. And the fact mine comes off soooooo slowly! It's disheartening! K[/quote] Welcome! I understand that feeling of the slowness we remove the pounds of fat which have accumulated before we gained a full…
  • Karen Takes Charge Challenge! :wink: (Aka Kicking Butt in May) Name: Charlotte Age: 64 Height: 5’2” Highest Weight: 245 Start Weight (May 1, 2018): 199.8 Goal Weight (May 31, 2018): 193 May 1 – 199.8 May 6 - traveling, didn't weigh May 13- 198.5 May 20 - 197 May 27 - May 31 - (Changed the dates for myself a bit since I…
  • Hello! Welcome to this group I come to a couple times a week for encouragement and motivation. Though I've been a member here for several years, this time it has stuck and I'm approaching my 1 year anniversary on June 11. During that time I seem to be on track for an average of 1 pound per week. I find keeping an honest…
  • Karen Takes Charge Challenge! :wink: (Aka Kicking Butt in May) Name: Charlotte Age: 64 Height: 5’2” Highest Weight: 245 Start Weight (May 1, 2018): 199.8 Goal Weight (May 31, 2018): 193 May 1 – 199.8 May 6 - traveling, didn't weigh May 13- 198.5 May 20 - May 27 - May 31 - (Changed the dates for myself a bit since I weigh…
  • Karen Takes Charge Challenge! :wink: (Aka Kicking Butt in May) Name: Charlotte Age: 64 Height: 5’2” Highest Weight: 245 Start Weight (May 1, 2018): 199.8 Goal Weight (May 31, 2018): 193 May 1 – 199.8 May 6 - May 13- May 20 - May 27 - May 31 - (Changed the dates for myself a bit since I weigh in on Sunday) Weight -/+ this…