I'm 5'6" and a large frame. I carry a majority of my weight in my thighs, but at 140 (in HS) I was in size 7 jeans, tight, but okay for comfort.
Traditionally, for every inch over 5' you are, you want to add five pounds to the 100 a female should be at 5', so maybe around 105. Which is a lot closer to what you are saying...
I'm 5'6". large frame, weight should be between 140-159. DEFINITELY matches not only my goals, but the weight at which I was smokin' hot and still curvaceous.
I'm pretty shallow, not going to lie. I would date someone who used to be heavy, but probably not morbidly obese because of how many health issues there could potentially be, and if he's recovered from being morbidly obese, he'll probably want me to quickly recover as well, which I've been trying to do for 4 years, without…