

  • Last week I did 10 miles for the week.. mainly because I was told not to exercise last Wed. due to issues with my back. But I did run my first 5K Saturday! woot woot! However, my food intake has been off since going back to work last week.. so I know this year I will be doing a lot more planning for my lunches.. so sad to…
  • Still in but making a few minor adjustments... I want to do the intermediate group & 3 goals: Goal 1: lose 2% body fat Goal 2: total of 3 inches Goal 3: 145 pounds By Aug. 31...... So start weight on this journey was 198 before joining myfitnesspal Current weight this morning 154.6 My goal for the end of august is 145
  • Forgot to say which group: I am going for the advanced group... Start weight 154.8 and trying to decrease my body fat...
  • I am in.... current weight- 154.8