

  • I have never done mat pilates but I did take reformer pilates classes and really liked it. After awhile I really notices that I was leaner and more toned. I would still be doing it but the studio that was affordable moved and was just too far for me to realistically keep going. I miss it!
  • I love the faster intervals, I burn more while I am exercising and have read that the method helps your burn long after you are done exercising.
  • Wow, why are my MFP calories so low compared to everyone else?? My age? I just started but they have me at 1233 calories a day, I have gotten used to cutting the calories and almost always eat back what I exercise but looking at all of your numbers I feel like I am being swindled-haha! I guess it's because I have a desk…
  • Flourless pizza is totally doable, thanks!!
  • Glad to hear that ignoring my natural sugars in the diary was a good call. Not that I eat the recommended amounts of fruits a day but I'd much rather eat an apple or strawberries than a candy bar!
    in Fruit Comment by MizzuzR August 2013
  • Pizza! Need to come up with an alternative for Friday pizza night now...have to be will to give up some things if I want to win this battle!!
  • I bought the ground seeds so it was like a fine powder then added it to my green smoothie. I had to give it a rest because it was giving me very bad gas.
  • I am 5'8" and 166 (according to the damn scale this morning), I have been on this program for about 25 days and maybe half of those are "serious" days so I have no one but to blame for only losing a pound so far. I truly am motivated in spirit but my follow through really stinks. A couple years ago I got down below 140 but…