rjb1311 Member


  • I sputtered a bit out of the gate and then started to drop weight. It seems like most people I talk to, start strong and then sputter. Don't get frustrated and keep getting that heart rate up while staying under on calories.
  • take it one day at a time and good luck!
  • twice a day. first thing in the morning and before I go to bed. I find that if I don't weigh myself that I lose some accountability. Also, I think once I stop weighing myself religiously that I will eventually stop recording my food diary. I'm a bit OCD like that!
  • I did have some clothes stashed from about 6 or 7 years ago that I bought online. unfortunately, the clothes were too small and I was too lazy to return them. So, I wore some of the clothes last Friday and there were quite a few people that commented on the weight loss. When I wear the bigger clothes it isn't as…
  • hmmm.... that's an interesting idea. I think making the first step... to try them on will encourage the positive thought process.
  • I've been giving it a go since beginning of august. feel free to add me if you need to talk. I've only skipped 3 days because I was in Vegas and what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! lol
  • Everyone was convinced that Judd was more than just a simple guy from a small town. i think they will be shocked when they learn he is a genuine person. I also think Helen is getting paranoid about becoming a target. I'm surprised that Andy is so loyal to Amanda, he is such a pawn and now with Judd out, Amanda and McCrae…