ready4change81 Member


  • It is just as unhealthy to be overweight or a binge eater, however, we would not post about them. It is not MFP fault, nor is it anyone else's business.
  • As much as I agree with you each person is entitled to their own goals. Who are we to say that they cannot achieve it? I know that I have had to learn the hard way about unrealistic goals while I was in college. I lost a lot of weight very fast, but put it back on just as fast and then some. I don't think people do that to…
  • It's a lifestyle change and there are going to be setbacks. The best thing to do is not to beat yourself up over it. Just try to workout a little extra this week and watch what you eat. I know when I have "dieted" before I would beat myself up over something like this and either try to starve myself or binge. Remember this…
  • This sounds delicious. I'm going to try it for a snack tomorrow! =) thanks for sharing!