

  • @cmajorseventh: I am also a nut who is nuts about nuts! They've got lots of vitamins, minerals, and good fats. I get large batches of the unsalted kind (trying to keep my sodium down, too, plus I'm less likely to overeat the unsalted ones) and portion them out into 1/4 a cup into each sandwich baggie. I like to mix them…
  • Three months ago I went to my primary care physician for an unrelated matter, and my doctor said I had gained weight so quickly that I needed to address the issue. “Seroquel makes you gain weight,” he said. I was thinking, no s*** Sherlock! I’ve tried changing medications due to the weight gain with disastrous results.…
  • Most “normal” people will not intentionally sabotage your weight loss program. They might not know exactly what foods and exercises your plan consists of, so they do it out of ignorance. Some people don’t like change, so they unconsciously and subtly undermine your efforts, like saying, “A little bit of this won’t hurt.…