

  • Well, they tell diabetics to use the artificial stuff, so it obviously isn't as bad as what people make out, however my point was simply that I did notice myself eating less after stopping all forms of fizzy drink. I didn't decide one day to not to drink fizzy drinks. It just sort of happened
  • It will likely have aspartame in it instead of sugar or HFCS depending on what country you live in. I'd just try and stay away from all fizzy drinks, unless sparkling water if you like that sort of thing There are some studies (not with major backing, I dont think) that aspartame can lead to the body wanting the real…
  • It is definitely possible to have too much protein - just as much you can have too much of any thing. You can die from overhydration http://www.nhs.uk/news/2011/05May/Documents/BtH_supplements.pdf That being said, unless your protein levels are ridiculously high, I wouldn't worry
  • I'm guessing by state you mean a US state. UK here :) Or more specifically, England
  • New to the forums, but I reckon that the UK would consider the extra tax, once the total costs related to obesity is more than the total revenue from the food industry In that sense, the NHS could become a political tool against the food industry