Gyoza11 Member


  • I have three already but I've been wanting this as a sleeve for 3-4 years. Edit: Is it okay to have drawings with bare boobs in them on this website? If someone doesn't like it I'll take it down... :P
    in Tattoos Comment by Gyoza11 June 2012
  • Saw a comment on a Icelandic message board today: "I mean if you're going to be complaining about something like that you might as well move to some island!!" Huuuuge facepalm, we're already living on an island.
  • Too many choices..... Mark Hamill, Russel Brand, Noel Fielding, Neil Patrick Harris (I know he's gay but this is my fantasy world we're talking about!!". Tim Curry and Malcolm Mcdowel when they where young... Out of all these at the moment... Probably Mark Hamill cause I've been obsessing over the Joker recently (huge…
  • When I was younger I said over and over again that I'd never date a guy with a beard. The past three years I've been dating a guy with a big bushy one :P Funny how much tastes change.
  • People who say "I could care less". It makes no effing sense. Any human under the age of 14-15. The dental floss my dentist uses. It's like he's using sandpaper between my teeth!! anything getting close to my ears. No joke, my boyfriend accidentally kissed me on the ear once and I lost all the strength in my legs and…
  • I dunno, don't think so.
  • I'm between Pakistan and Japan. That's really surprising cause I've never met a Japanese person (I'm a Japanese major so I meet a lot) that wasn't seriously tiny. Perhaps it's cause they don't have separate charts for men and women?
  • I spent four hours on 2chan before playing Recettear for another 6... (First day off work woo!!)
  • I'm actually kinda in awe that someone in a gamer group had never heard of minecraft till now... :P But yeah, I love minecraft! I can spend days fooling around with mods. You guys should check out survivecraft! Honestly I was more excited over it than survivor!
    in Minecraft Comment by Gyoza11 June 2012
  • Oh danny pudi, when will you be mine? :P Can't wait for this movie!
  • This idea made me drool a little.
  • Not even gonna sugarcoat it: The weeaboo/gamer. I'm such a hopeless weeb I'm moving to Kyoto this fall.
  • Letting my family influence what I wanted to do with my life. A whole year and student loans wasted on design school. Don't regret it though, it's all a part of learning who I want to be.
  • Wow. Are you me? You just fully described how I got in to horror movies :P Off the top of my head though; the original One missed call (Japanese one) freaked me out a lot.
  • I'll be in Japan this fall so I'm going to eat fugu (the poison blowfish) and buy a figurine I've always wanted.
  • ".......The hammer is my penis."
  • Anyone else notice she's playing Zelda with a xbox controller? Unless it's plugged to a PC on emulator that doesn't look right...
    in Gamer Girls Comment by Gyoza11 June 2012
  • Yeah with all the fish poop :P
  • We don't have turkey bacon in my country but I kind of have this thing against eating a type of meat that's been mashed up and pressed in to a shape so probably regular for me. It's the same with those cordon bleu type processed "meat", tastes bad and has a weird texture. Turkey bacon is healthier though right? Not a huge…
  • Screw bikinis! I got a 50s swim suit with those shorts type thing :D
  • Plus in those days marriages were almost always arranged marriages. People married for status and to further their family so it wasn't uncommon for everyone to have someone on the side for romantic love. It's actually one of the reasons so many marriages in that time lasted so long. Because it wasn't a romantic thing, just…
  • >19 >Only dated for two months before engagement Gee, I wonder why that didn't work out. This is exactly why so many people get divorced today, why are they in such a hurry to get married?! At least get over the heart thumping, passionate beginning part of the relationship before taking it to the next stage...
  • Originally I got in to it because I idolized my best friend (from ages 3-12) and wanted to impress him. He introduced me to pretty much everything when we were kids and I latched on. The sad part though is we met again a few months ago, he still likes some of the stuff but has kind of given up on the hobby.
  • I dunno, all the gamer guys I've talked to tell me that their impression of gamer girls is obnoxious attention seekers. I can kinda see what they mean, it's become a bit of a label for some girls cause they consider considered "oh so quirky" and special. I can't tell you guys the number of times I've raged at some girl…
    in Gamer Girls Comment by Gyoza11 May 2012
  • "The reason I fail instead of succeed is that I trade what I want most for what I want at the moment"
  • Although I do think sugary drinks are disgusting and pointless I hate when people think banning everything is the answer. If you ban large drinks then people will just sneak them in to the theater or buy two medium ones (which is probably more cal than just the single big). It doesn't have any meaning other than wasting…
  • This is so funny! I was just thinking yesterday about video game inspired wedding dresses.
  • Everything goes to my stomach (and a little bit to my thighs and arms, not my boobs though!!) It's kind of a let down since I keep seeing girls my height and weight looking quite slim while I still have a gut hanging over my pants.
  • I've been called "Velma" since I was like 13 cause I look like Velma from Scooby Doo... T_T
  • Flirting a little for fun with people you don't know = Forgivable, just a little fun etc. Flirting with people you know personally and flirting every day = Not okay! I'd dump his *kitten* in a second. Joking around is fine but that's too much. You deserve better!