Gyoza11 Member


  • That was freaking hilarious.
  • The joker. Not the movie portrayals (though I like them too) but as he's portrayed in the animated series. He's pretty... Also Mark Hamil (voice of the Joker) and Malcolm Mcdowell when he was young.
  • The Catcher in the Rye The whole book is just "waaah I'm so smart and everyone else is so stupid! Better run around a be all edgy and rebellious." The book does a good job portraying this type of self absorbed teen though, the ones who think their angst and problems are such a unique and important thing. I get that you're…
  • I'm not happy at all today! :P Had a shot yesterday and getting two teeth pulled today!
  • My haircut/dye job is around 100$ but that's normal in my country. On the other hand I've spent tens of thousands on gaming. Edit: Oh yeah! spent around 500$ on tattoos
  • I'm not anti-fat, if you're fat and okay with it then go you. If you're fat but working hard and making an effort you're inspirational. What I hate is people who blame everything but themselves on their weight (or any other similar problems for that matter) and make no effort other than complaining and a lot of the time in…
  • This is my all time favorite kids show! Freaky Fred is my favorite episode.
  • This reminds me of a video on youtube with a guy talking about when he accidentally went on the women train compartment in Japan. Everyone was staring at him a lot and he's like "Daaaamn I look good today!". Girls get stared at: "Is there something wrong with me?" Guys get stared at: "I'm looking good today!" Not always…
  • If any of us grandchildren misbehaved my grandma would say "If you keep acting up the police will come and take you away." I'm actually still a little bitter about this and I can't believe she still says this to the youngest in the group. When I was a kid I actually had a panic attack in preschool when I found out that a…
    in Is it true? Comment by Gyoza11 July 2012
  • I've always felt that if you're worried about either yourself or your spouse having friends of the opposite gender, it says a lot more about you than your spouse. Sounds pretty neurotic and controlling to me (and maybe a bit old fashioned?). This was a huge issue for me in a previous relationship since I basically have…
  • I hate how my body stores fat!! I mean usually when women gain weight it's around the whole body but here I am, at 125 lbs and I still have a massive gut! I wish I had the body shape to be the cute sort of chubby... Also: Since we're all short here, does anyone else get seriously annoyed seeing photos of r people who are…
  • Just broke out New Vegas again otherwise I've been playing sonic generations (bought the Sega pack on the Steam summer sale).
  • Amazing progress!!
  • Going to Japan as an exchange student so attendance will be a lot more strict. No more too lazy to get up for class days :(
  • Boo It's just so bad. After me and my ex watched it we warned his brother not to see it. Then his brother saw it on sale once and remembered "hey they mentioned something about this movie!" and bought it. Now it's tradition in his family to give that dvd as a gift to someone else on birthdays and Christmas just so you can…
  • Here grade school is 1st-10th grade and secondary school is 11th-14th although how long it takes depends on you. I kind of missed out on a bunch of stuff during that time, I got my first boyfriend at 15 and we stayed together till I was 20 so I kind of blocked out all my friends (uuugh first relationships). I went to…
  • I've been alternating between A feast for crows, the magic of reality and re-reading American gods.
  • I love black nail polish on girls, it's cute! I'm always sporting one black nail.
  • I dunno, peeing is one thing and I don't mind walking around naked but I'd NEVER want to be near him while he's pooping!!
  • I have never: - Tried a cadbury cream egg... They just look so yummy! - Spoken Japanese except in class, I get so panic-y that I start tearing up. - Cosplayed - Finished Twilight (thank god, that first chapter was bad enough) - Gone to a party without drinking (I'll add that I rarely go to parties) - Had a fight with…
  • The no sex before marriage thing has always been a bit of a mystery to me. Basically I've never met a person in real life who believes that except when I visit the US. That being there's not much of a dating culture here. The longest I've waited was about a month but with my fiance it was one of those things that's here to…
  • Aw I thought this would be a thread about shows we wouldn't miss if/when they got canceled (I hated curb your enthusiasm soo damn much!!). but yeah for me: Game of Thrones (Boyfriend was working on the set so he always has fun stories when we watch). It's always sunny in Philadelphia Every time Louis Theroux makes a new…
  • Me and my boyfriend regularly had conversations about breaking Katy Perry and Russel Brand up so we could take them for ourselves. Now that they're divorced it's our chance!
    in Magic Mike Comment by Gyoza11 July 2012
  • Is that Yaya han?
  • Nice! I have those too! We kind of went a little nuts with the Doctor Who merchandise when we visited the Doctor Who experience in London. Even bought a remote controlled Dalek.
  • I've actually only played the game a couple times but I've been to CCP a bunch of times. Wish I could work there! It's like a nerd's wet dream!! I even saw a virtual boy there last time :O
    in EVE Online Comment by Gyoza11 June 2012
  • I have three: The happy berry from Paradise Kiss on my right shoulder blade The button eye of the other mother from Coraline on my chest Alex's prison number from clockwork orange on my arm I later found out that during the holocaust people in concentration camps got their id number tattooed in the same place on their left…
  • Actually nothing. I didn't really have a problem with cravings to begin with so it didn't take long to get myself in to the habit of just eating less when I had unhealthy food. That being said I almost never eat pasta, rice or bread. Don't miss it in the slightest.
  • Probably Wednesday from American Gods. If we're including comic books I'd have to say The Joker from Batman. Along with Harley Quinn they're my Bella and Edward! :P
  • I think I just puked a rainbow...