

  • you guys are awesome, thanks! i'm going to buy a scale tomorrow, and weigh once a day, first thing in the morning. you are right, i need to see the results of what i eat and what i do. if it gets out of control and i obsess, i'll hide it away. thanks so much for great comments!
  • so i've never owned a scale before, and i'm not sure if i should buy one or not. on the one hand, i want to be focused on health, rather than poundage, and i'm afraid i'll get obsessed, and weigh myself all the time. i'm afraid that i'll get discouraged if i don't see a change right away. on the other hand, maybe not…
  • wow, that's awesome. i'm actually totally inspired by this-- more than by the amazing people who have lost so much, perhaps. i think its because i see 8lbs, and i think wow, that is something that i could do, i think. eight pounds, and look! people are already noticing! thanks for the inspire!
  • hello all, i made an account on this site a while back, and then promptly went out for milkshakes. but it's 2009, and i'm back for a real try. pretty much, i'm looking to lose the increasingly alarming flab around my mid-section, and figure out how to live a healthier lifestyle. my main issues are that i forget to eat,…
  • so already the lack of chocolate is getting to me! maybe it sounds silly, but looking back, i've probably been eating chocolate every day.... arg. any ideas on how to get rid of the craving??
  • you can always go for some healthier caffeine for a while... like different kinds of teas. i make a big pitcher of iced peppermint tea to drink (the peppermint is nice because you don't need to add sugar to taste good). since it's less caffeine you could taper off. also i think caffeine is supposed to boost your metabolism…
  • Yoga balls! i recently discovered (googled it) that sitting on a big yoga ball instead of a couch or desk chair is great for a mini workout without actually... you know, working out. it works all the small muscles in your back, thighs and abs because you are trying to keep your balance. i use one at my desk at work now and…
  • I'm new to the site (duh) recently out of college and into a desk job, and my pizza and ice cream metabolism has deserted me (and my hips!) I work hard, and like to be lazy after work... I've never been on a diet, don't know the meaning of restraint, and now that I'm not running for classes, get almost no excercise. So...…