FrankyBabes Member


  • I'm personally a big fan of it, but like any tool it only works as well as you use it. Just got to be honest in what you're logging and what information you're putting in. Equally, I don't think you're gonna find a lot of people on here who aren't fans - it would be odd if the people who didn't like it still hung out on…
  • In my experience, you do better when you're being honest, and when you know what's going on. If you try to be a bit conservative about your approach, you'll find you get a lot less disappointment - and sometimes you're pleasantly surprised. As long as you're logging stuff accurately, and you've got a sensible goal for…
  • Cheers for the kind words. I'm really far too English and reserved to go around adding people but it's all very much appreciated. I'm sure you'll be seeing my face hereabouts; I do love sticking my nose in.