hkabashi82 Member


  • I think it's at the bottom of my post, but in any case, I'm 5'5" and thanks!
  • I know some people have been asking - I had the vertical sleeve gastrectomy. Thank you everyone for your awesome words!! This site has been a big help and so many have been a great source of motivation and encouragement.
  • Work out as soon as you can and as often as you can - even if it's only walking sedately on an elliptical. Honestly, the working out has been the biggest part of my journey. I started with walking on the treadmill, or taking it slow on the elliptical a week out from surgery. After that, I started a couch-to-5K training…
  • Thanks!! :happy: :happy: :blushing: :blushing: The blue dress was from the Lord & Taylor outlet, a random designer/brand. The red dress is Ralph Lauren and I got it at TJ Maxx... Both are size 10s - which I'm pretty sure I haven't been in since freshman year of high school!! :noway: :happy:
  • Thank you everyone!! :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • Thanks everyone!!! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Aww Thank you!!! I'm all blush-y now haha
  • You're right, I did! I had the VSG on April 21st Thanks!!
  • Holy crap! Thank you everyone for the awesome, kind and encouraging responses!!
  • Thank you!! That red dress was from TJ Maxx, actually! And the blue one right before it was at the Lord & Taylor outlet... I'm a shopper, I love the online and, certainly now, the in-store shopping experience... I spend a lot of time making sure I find the right dress for these events and occasions lol
  • Just got my Fitbit! Would love friends!!
  • 10 because Morgan Freeman and cotton candy seem like an awesome combination.
  • Thank you everyone!
  • Hey all!! Excited for another challenge :) I actually started this on Monday, July 7th on another forum. July 7 - 220.2 July 14 - 214.6 (-5.6) :) :) :) That's a good jump towards onederland!!! Labor Day GW - 195 It would be nuts to hit onederland!!!! Can't wait! A fitness goal - I started the C25K last week so I'd like to…
  • I started on Monday, May 26 since my last weigh was Monday, June 30. I left for vacation at all all inclusive on July 1 through July 6/ Monday, May 26 - 237.4 Monday, June 2 - 234.4 Monday, June 9th - 231 Monday, June 16th - 227.2 Tuesday, June 24th - 224.8 Monday, June 30th - 220.6 Monday, July 7th - 220.2 Wednesday, July…
  • I posted this and promptly went on vacation haha I just saw all the out pouring of love and support! Thank you!!!!! I'll be sending out friend requests and responses to questions (and just awesome thank yous) momentarily!!! THANKS!!
  •  I started on Monday, May 26 since my last weigh in will be Monday, June 30. Monday, May 26 - 237.4 Monday, June 2 - 234.4 Monday, June 9th - 231 Monday, June 16th - 227.2 Monday, June 24th - 224.8 GW (for challenge): 218 These last two weeks have been rough with working out. I was dealing with dehydration and lack of…
  • Original post: (HW (recorded) - August 2013 - 301) (SW - 270 - April 21, 2014) Monday, May 26: 237.4 Monday, June 2: 234.4 (CW) GW 218 I've started incorporating light weight training. I'm also continuing my cardio 4-5 days a week and i've added a workout video as well as the 30 days ab challenge. I'm feeling good and I'm…
  • I started on Monday, May 26th (Memorial Day) and the last weigh-in I will have will be Monday, June 30th. I'll be on vacation over-seas for the rest of that week, including 4th of July. (HW (recorded) - August 2013 - 301) (SW - 270 - April 21, 2014) CW 237.4 GW 218 I want to continue my cardio at least 5 days a week and…
  • Hey all, I'd love more sleeve friends!! I was sleeved in Baltimore, MD on 4/21/14. I've lost almost 35 pounds in the last 5 weeks - almost 65 from my HW!! - and would love to connect with other people who had WLS. Friends welcome! :D Hana
  • It's such a difficult and courageous decision to make, to have surgery! Congrats on your success so far and wishing you continued success!! Keep me posted about everything goes in the next week or so!
  • I PM'd you the link since it removed it from the original post! (Still getting used to this site lol) Enjoy!
  • I've used the recipes on this site before for whole wheat flour. You can't do a 1-to-1 switch - the whole wheat is much to dense and the texture and flavor is just different.
  • I consider myself mostly lesbian. It's been a long, long time since I was interested in a guy that wasn't Hugh Jackman haha I tend to be more femme - I love to embrace my femininity and I prefer women who do as well. Though, an extremely attractive boi/butch could get it too haha
  • Thanks guys!! :)
  • Thanks Cincigirl13! I'm definitely going to look into that. Congrats to you too :) That's wonderful! Amber961: My doctor has me on a high protein diet. They've been very clear about what I can/should be eating and it's been working out really well. Thankfully I don't have much knee or back pain and the elliptical and…
  • For me, it was definitely the best/right decision. I just worry - very preemptively - about loose skin, possible plastic surgery and would like to start toning and the like as soon as possible so it's not something I deal with in the future. My surgeon says I should be fine and that I'm young and I should stop worrying but…