I teach at a Further and Higher education college in the UK and older students are always an amazing addition to any class! A great influence and inspiration, and no, you are never too old to learn! I have plenty of students who are older than me, and all of my students young or old, teach me things everyday. It's pretty…
Bike or eliptical as long as you aren't ever fully extending your knees its a pretty gentle. Treadmill for me is too much impact at the mo x
Signed up yesterday, start tonight! Very excited. Was shown around a little but have an hour tonight where they take weight, bmi, measurements etc and build my circuit. Looks awesome, can't wait :)
Perhaps the person who said that too me thinks I'm work shy, which I am bloody well not! But it think they were referring to it being all resistance training or something? (No idea what that means) I shall report form my visit later today!
This thread is super inspiring! Can't wait to have after pics :) Well Done Everyone!
Thank You Guys! XD
Love the "very lazy" range of chopped herbs and things for cooking. Saves so much time and money :) These are really awesome by the way :)
I think London Comic Con in October me and my friends are gonna cosplay for the first time :) But we're going as our DnD characters, so no one will know who we are! I thin we may be missing the point. OH well, it'll be fun!
Just googled it, was an AMSTRAD CPC 464. and the game was Oh Mummy! LMAO amazing. There were more colours than I remembered too!
The first game I remember playing, would have been on an old Amstrad home computer thing, green CRT monitor, and was a Mummy maze/platformer. It was on a cassette, and you could fast forward the loads! LOL The first game that made me a gamer, was FF7 which came with my PS1. However my fondest memories will always be…