Weeks 1-4: (-9.4), (-6.4), (-3.6), (-2.2) Total: -21.6 Weeks 5-8: (---), (-5.6), (-2.4), (-5.0) -13.0, Total: -34.6 Weeks 9-12: (+ 0.8), (-3.8), (-2.8), (-5.4) -11.2, Total: -45.8
Wow! You're doing amazing! Doesn't it feel great to try on a "Large" and find that it fits (or in my case, fits a little snugly but is on the way to fitting!). Keep up the great work! Jenny
I was eating a vegan diet earlier this year (for a few months) and lost weight doing so. I loved the way that I felt. Unfortunately, after a vacation this spring, went back to "old ways" and gained weight. I've now lost this and then some on Medifast (32 lbs so far, with 70 ish to go) I too really miss the fruit, legumes,…