

  • Ugh, I feel so bad for slacking off this weekend. I did Week 3 Day 4 today. School started this week so it's been taking most of my time & work. Keep motivated!! :)
  • I started Week 3 today and I have to say that's actually my favorite compared to Week 2. I believe Week 2 was definitely hard for me because of those planks. I'm liking Week 3 because she really makes us work out our legs & thighs. I find when I'm jumping a lot, I build up a lot of stamina. Imma try to only rest one day…
  • Well tomorrow I start Week 3...I'm kind of excited from hearing you all pushing thru it. For the past days I've been a lil sluggish since "Aunt Flo" came, I hardly had any energy or motivation. But I am pushing myself cuz I know I have to in order to get results, I can't beat around the bush and exercise 30 mins and expect…
  • Wow, I'll have to try that butt & thighs DVD too since those are my problem areas too. Well I have finished the cleanse and fat burner pills. I lost a total of 8.8 pounds & 4 inches. I recommend it. Tomorrow I will be on week 2 day 5 of Ripped in 30.
  • Whew, I am so glad tomorrow is Friday. I am going to rest Saturday and get back on track Sunday. Today was Week 2 Day 2 for me. My cleanse ends Sunday night so I'll put up results for that Monday for you guys that are interested in it. I am so glad I found this post as well, thanks for making it Juliane, it is really…
  • I had the same problem, along with that laying on your back "praise to God" pose she says.
  • I started Week 2 today. I almost cried. She makes you do moves that I've never seen before. It'll feel like you are trying out for the Army or something. She really pushes it up a notch that when she says she wants you to get ripped, I believe it with those moves. The two assistants in the back that shows begginer &…
  • Juliane1986 that sounds like fun & I bet you will lol. I've finished Week 1 & I start Week 2 Day 1 tomorrow. I am kind of nervous about it, but I know if I keep positive it'll only bring positive energy. I'm on my second day of the Maximum Fat Burner pills, making it Day 9 of 14 for the Jillian Michaels Cleanse & Burn.…
  • It's pretty good. It helps to get rid of belly bloating & u don't feel bloated. It cleanses your system and basically helps to regulate you. I'm starting the Maximum Fat Burner & Probiotic pills this week. I'll keep you updated on how that goes.
  • I'm new to this website. I bought Ripped in 30 & her 14 day Cleanse and Burn. For Ripped in 30, I am on Level 1 day 3. I really love it so far. With her cleanse thing, I am on day 4. The first day I tried it, I lost like 1.5 lbs. I think that was from some hamburgers I had the week before. When I'm drenched in sweat from…
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