If I'm going to a buffet, my diet goes out the window. I'm ok with that.
At 29 I can still hardly manage to stay above the water
Mesa, AZ
Likewise. I avoid them but only because sugar tastes better
I've been away but I just came back :)
Thought I hit the "quote" button.... anyway, last reply was directed towards you lol
Was just recently able to purchase health insurance thanks to the ACA (not to be too political, but I definitely have benefited from it) and am just starting to tackle issues with energy/weight loss. In fact, in a bit I'm going to the clinic to enroll in their weight loss program.
Looks like there's a pattern here lol. Me too. In my case I lose 10 lbs, get a several month bout of depression, gain 20-25 lbs. Always maintaining a pattern of net weight gain. This time around I'm going on a weight loss plan through a local clinic AND making sure I get my depression treated. I'm now up to 301 lbs... and…
My situation is kind of similar. Very kind of: I'm a gay man but I'm married to an asexual woman. I'm out to my family and her family but a year ago I moved out of state and I've basically gone back into the closet because it's just too annoying having to explain the situation every time my homosexuality may come up. Not…
Seriously, don't get caught up in labels. I am gay because I identify as such because I have strong feelings for men and none (sexually/romantically for women, though oddly enough, I'm married to an asexual woman.... nearly asexual, myself), but if I ever became confused of my label, I'd likely just drop labels altogether…
I'm fat and I LOOOVE good food. I've joined this site so I could count calories. I didn't cut out breads or pastas. Heck, I still order pizza. I may have changed... now I'll serve a salad with my pasta... but I wouldn't dare cut out anything I like or I'll never maintain this diet. Having not cut out anything (just changed…
If you like Indian Food check out Manjula's Kitchen on Youtube. They're all vegetarian (though not necessarily Vegan)
haha, you just made me chuckle
While I don't dislike Hershey's (in fact, I LOVE their dark kisses) I find their milk chocolate to be grainy and overly sweet Additionally: you're asking me to CHOOSE how I prefer my chocolate?! I prefer it in my mouth!
haha that's the one!
Back when I had cable I'd watch BBC America and there was a show.. I can't remember what it's called... but basically this woman would come to your house, lay out all the food you'd eat in a week and it was absolutely disgusting. I'm sure all the people on the show only lost weight FOR the show and then gained it all…
if there's no apology then you're a horrible person incapable of ever being forgiven because you should be sorry for what you've done. If you're sorry for what you've done and apologize, you're a horrible person incapable of ever being forgiven because you never should have done anything wrong. There's no pleasing some…
sadly it took me much longer than I'm willing to admit before I got the joke. I'm definitely not running on all cylinders yet this morning. As for my contribution to the actual discussion... I, too, have considered meal replacement shakes as I wake up early enough as it is in the morning, I don't have time to cook…
:( I can't go near a Starbucks. It'll ruin my whole diet for the day. WHYYYYYY must it be so tasty?
That's basically why I dropped out of anything "gay" altogether. Granted, I don't feel the need to be around other gays (I tend to be quite annoyed by the gay community after a very short period of time lol). But I feel part of that is due to the worship of vanity, which regardless of my size, has always disgusted me.
I won't eat them back, but if I have, say 200 calories and work off a couple hundred more, I may have a little ice cream. As long as I can have a calorie deficit at the end of the day
:( I've never had them but everybody tells me how great they taste. I'll have to give 'em a try
Since I eat halal I tend to eat vegetarian when eating out (unless I wish to eat out at the same 3 restaurants) so I do tend to eat veggie burgers when they're available... which often contain soy. When I run into them, I'll buy quorn products although I'm not vegetarian at home... but because I really like them. They're…
My method: I over-calculate. I'd say one sample is probably 1/4 or 1/6 of a slice. I'd go with 1/4. I'd rather over-calculate the calories I've eaten than under-calculate
"Studies show" whatever is convenient for them to show. As for me, I get headaches from just about everything just about every day. One thing I can say is that I've never gotten one from diet soda. I mean, you can develop an allergy or intolerance against literally ANYTHING, so imo, if you don't have issues, it's good. If…
I'm with you on that one. Clothes shopping is absolute heck! I hate it. It's gotten to the point where I just order them online. I had to go to a wedding last year and buying a suit became a rather emotional experience lol
My doctor really didn't give me "tips" per se when she said I needed to lose weight. She just told me it had to be done. Gave me some pamphlets. I asked her about Weight Watchers and she basically said "if you feel that will work for you, do it!". But being given blood pressure medicine at the age of 27 was a real…
that's basically how I feel. Though I rarely can remember how long anything has been in the fridge so I rely mainly on smell and appearance.
Interestingly enough I prefer diet soda over regular, primarily because it has a lighter flavor. Since I've practically given up soda except for on my cheat nights where I order out, I find that regular soda upsets my stomach. As for diet soda in general, I'm not on board with the artificial sweeteners naysayers. I mean,…
If I'm not mistaken "obese" IS the actual medical term. It does imply a certain level of being overweight. Quite frankly I don't get offended when I'm called obese. Or fat. Or lard-butt... because I talk about it openly and quite often joke about it myself. Last time I went to the doctor I went in for a skin infection. The…