Eidson50 Member


  • I find that I go about 3 weeks without losing anything and then lose 3 or 4 pounds in one week. At first I would get very frustrated because I would think I was doing everything right and nothing was coming off. Now I know that is how my body works. I have lost 27 pounds and it has taken me about 6 months which is kind of…
  • I used Chantix and stopped smoking January 25th of this year. I didn't take the medicine for the entire time recommended because I just needed something to help me through the beginning. I started trying to lose weight in April (down 20 pounds), everyone told me not to try to do both at the same time. It has actually…
  • I could honestly write a book about things that happened to me when I was a child. I choose not to be a victim. I made me fat. I am the only one who can make myself not fat. Every time I feel the need to binge eat I tell myself I'm not letting someone who did something terrible to me in my past win.
  • I always thought I would have said quitting smoking but wow was I wrong. I quit smoking on January 25th of this year after smoking quite heavily for 20 some years. It was actually pretty easy and haven't really had any cravings since then. The food on the other hand. Holy Cow! I have been trying to lose for about 5 months…
  • I have been trying to lose for about 7 weeks now. I am eating around 1500 calories a day, some days I'm under and some days I go over. I am walking on my treadmill every morning for about 25 minutes Monday - Friday and I too am so exhausted all the time. I yawn coming to work, I yawn while sitting at my desk, etc. I never…
  • Hello everyone. This is my first post. I too am a slow loser. I'm not sure if it's my age this time but about 6 years ago I lost about 50 pounds with no exercise, only cutting my calories. This time around I'm cutting calories and getting on the treadmill for 25 minutes at least 5 mornings a week. I started at 198 pounds…