

  • You end up being able to eat more pasta and rice than you think.....but a hell of a lot less cheese!!!! (About enough to feed a small mouse).....Measuring calorie intake is very important and I don't eat back my calories (unless I'm on holiday when I don't mind maintaining my weight a bit).....It frustrates everyone though…
  • I think many of us have been down this particular path. Losing weight is one thing but keeping it off is a whole different story and it has to become your lifestyle rather than just a temporary aim. It could mean completely rearranging your timetable to fit in exercise for example (I have started to get up super-early in…
  • I am about half way through my weight loss goal so far and am already getting the "you're wasting away" crap from people (and the usual feeling of shoulders and elbows from mum trying to find some "bones" (way to go before that happens yet!) The worst is some of the girls at work who have been talking about losing weight…
  • I was also saying "ooof" on getting up from the sofa as well as doing sumo impressions to get into my jeans, much to the amusement of everyone except me. Bad back, bad knees, bad hips and achilles tendon burn - all weight related problems. The final final straw was a photo of myself in 2007 (when I used to be thin and lean…
  • Hi - new here but agree with the comments from gr8xpectations. I have to do some cardio to lose weight or my metabolism does not kick in. I can do it when I put my mind to it but everyone is different. Even my husband, who is dieting with me, is finding he needs to take a different approach to me (he has less weight to…