
  • I am in too .... started on my own June 1 just moving for 10 minutes - and now its the 4th and im getting my motivation back slooooowwwwwllllly .. so thank you all in advance for the inspiration
  • hi my biggest one is sugar in healthy foods; greek yogurt -even the lowest is still around 10g which is just under half your well my, daily intake. and if youre not paying attention it can between 15 and 25g per serving for the fruity ones. add a small apple or pear and that's you for the day.. shocking. So now if I want a…
  • hi I joined last week, so that qualitfies for newbie status i think. I really am liking this site , ive started adding my cardio execise before i go, and it is encouraging me to actually go into the gym, instead of driving right by, or worse, going in, changing then leaving. Mojo back on, I think YEA~! and you, where you…