

  • it's not okay because if they take my stapler then I'll set the building on fire...
  • If the meat is fatty, some of the fat will render out into the tray. Also true on a normal grill, too. Foreman grills don't get hot enough to sear meat very well. Since most markets add "up to 10% solution" to their meats for you these days, you end up steaming your food more than searing it, a lot of the time. A lot of…
  • Reverse that: 5oz raw = 5*22 = 110 cals 4oz cooked = 4*26 = 104 cals so yes, that's pretty close to the same
  • Applebee's under 550 menu was quite good. http://www.applebees.com/Menu_Under550.aspx
  • My favorite for chocolate soy milk is to get vanilla or light vanilla soy and flavor it with NSA Quik powder for myself. Just seems to taste better to me. Perhaps I'm just a 42 year old Quik junkie :-) Almond milk seems to be creamier than soy and for less calories per cup. You might try unsweetened vanilla almond milk…
  • While some vitamins are toxic in mega-doses, getting 2-3x the recommended amount should not be a problem.
  • I don't agree with the premise that grains are not part of our historical diet. If that is the case, why did we evolve molars, which are used to grind plant material so we can digest it? I do agree that overprocessed grains are a problem, and personally try to reduce or eliminate white starches from my own diet. That said,…
  • On person in my state won the lottery after buying tickets every day for a year. That says something too - and just about as much. :-) Individual results do not prove a trend. Every diet commercial on TV knows you want to believe otherwise, that's why they all tell you one person lost 75lbs on their program and hide the…
  • Benefiber has been great for me, more so than metamucil. It dissolves completely even in plain water you won't know its there. I put 1 TBSP in every 16oz (1/2 liter) glass I drink for 5g of fiber. I like rice and grains, so I make a pilaf of brown basmati rice and hulled barley. The barley has more fiber, the rice more…
  • 6in wheat = 210 cals, 2g fat, 42g carb - 4g fiber flatbread = 230 cals, 4.5g fat, 38g carb - 2g fiber I'd call it even, or take the higher fiber lower fat, personally.
  • 6in turkey on wheat = 280 (210 from the bread) pepperjack cheese = 50 cals chipotle sw sauce = 100 cals (90 from fat!) so you have 430cals for each 6in half, or 860cals for the whole footlong. loose the chipotle sauce, it is all fat. try to cut back to just a 6in and get the apple slices (or better yet, bring an apple!) My…
  • Fat-free balsamic vinaigrette works well for me
    in mayo Comment by cjbnc April 2011
  • More of an idea than a formal recipe. I love New Mexican food, where they use green chiles for most of their sauces with or even instead of tomatoes. Here's a filling with a few lite uses: Fill a crock pot with 2lbs skinless chicken (breasts or thighs), one onion, 8-12 oz of canned or frozen green chiles, and season with…
    in Mexican Comment by cjbnc April 2011
  • 100 calorie packs are a good way to get junk food in a nicely limited portion. They are not the staple in my diet, nor do I pretend they are anything other than junk. Good for cravings without falling off the wagon.
  • I've watched two women in my life go through gastric bypass to try to lose weight. Both were severely overweight at the start (per the definition required to get the insurance companies to give a damn). Both had some success, and some very rude awakenings about how "easy" this is to live with for the rest of their lives.…
  • Any brand will do. Most weigh up to about 5lbs and that's fine. Make sure it has ounces and grams - so you can measure according to the packaging. Make sure it has the Tare function as most have mentioned. Tare lets you put a bowl on the scale, and set the weight to zero. Add so many ounces of an ingredient, set back to…
  • Thanks for the link. Great read On the topic my wife and I went to Applebees for steak dinners off their under-550 calorie menu. Great that they had it posted, and great that they had reasonably-sized offerings as well.
    in Eating out Comment by cjbnc April 2011
  • This article was very informative (I have no affiliation with this website or its author.) http://www.shapefit.com/alcohol-calories.html
  • sodium does not equal calories the 4oz serving size is part of the problem. most chips consider 1-2 oz a serving. The rest is the fact that fried chips have a lot of oil - 27g of fat for 240 cals!
    in chipotle Comment by cjbnc April 2011
  • Good idea!
  • I ran the numbers, and there's a few surprises Bologna sandwich, one slice meat, two cheese, two bread = 320cal, 18g fat, 32g carb, 13g protein, 1180mg sodium Nissan Cup o Noodle Shrimp = 300cal, 13g fat, 38g carb, 7g protein, 1180mg sodium Yeah, the salt in the cheese pushed the sandwich to the same sodium as the cup…
  • Saw this on America's Worst Cooks a month or so ago, and adapted it to ground turkey, and tossed out some of the extra fat. These are great as an appetizer, or served with a salad. Blue Cheese Turkey Meatballs (lite) adapted from recipe by Robert Irvine, on Americas Worst Cooks Makes 6 servings of 4 meatballs each (or vice…
  • Trivial, but good. My snack last night: Quesadilla Snack = 180 cals 2 wedges Laughing Cow Queso Chipotle (70 cals) 2 soft corn tortillas (90 cals) 2 TBSP good salsa (maybe 20 cals) Open and spread the cheese on one tortilla. Sandwich the other tortilla on top. Microwave 30-60 secs until hot and melty. Cut into 8 wedges.…
  • I've maintained my diet by eating lunch, dinner, and bedtime snack as my three "meals" per day. I've never been a breakfast person. As the previous poster said, its about the calories, more so than the time you eat them.
  • 3 weigh ins in the wii, one after the other - I usually get 3 different answers. no, I don't trust it
  • Mongolian grills can work - then you can portion control your protein and go heavy on the low calorie veggies. Just make sure they don't add a lot of oil and stay easy on the noodles and rice. Watch out for sweet sauces (teriyaki, sweet/sour, etc) as well. I make beef/broccoli with 4oz beef and 2 cups broccoli, and a light…
  • It's a Facebook-veiled link to Cathe Friedrich's blog post, also seen here: http://cathe.com/top-reasons-why-your-weight-loss-has-stopped
  • Given the choice between throwing it out because you can't wear it, and trying to shrink it to wear a bit longer... what have you got to lose? If the hot water ruins it, you we're going to have to throw it away anyhow.
  • You are mistaken. Here's why I think so. I am no medical doctor, but I know a few things about basic physics. Here are the laws: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laws_of_thermodynamics Conservation of energy must apply to weight loss. That is true. You put energy into your body by eating caloric food. The Calorie is a unit of…
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