

  • wow u are looking GREAT!!! keep it up girl...woot! woot!
  • lol cupcakes?! ooo yummy i would had probably gave j/k yes i did super great yesterday and today has been pretty good too. V we gonna b lookin dead sessy by the time we're done... but wait u alredy look but keep it up, i need sum of that will power
  • well honeslty this is the longest i've ever lasted on any diet or wkout routine ever! n i can honeslty say thanks to my really good friend who is on me like white on rice i've kept it up. shes not here with me physically but shes constantly emailing, calling or texting shes awesome! i actually just started wkin…
  • well i'm working out two times a day and i'm trying to stick to the healthy foods... ITS HARD but slowly but surely i'm getting there. thats about it..its taking me some gettin used to. i started back in mid december and i've only lost 11 lbs! but thats cuz i was stil goin out to eat at least twice a wk, not any more