ctygesen Member


  • Is it "pain" or "soreness"? Do you "hinge late"? Are you planking at the top of every rep?
  • Hey giriveks. Been using kbs for a couple of years now. Just recently re-started with Pavel's Program Minimum and now I'm doing Right of Passage with the 24kg. When I complete that in December, I'll do the full 24-week Kettlebell Strong program with double 24s. Love the feeling of putting the bells in the air.
    in Intros Comment by ctygesen August 2014
  • I loved the looks I got when I took public transit to pick up my 20kg classic bell. I think I attract less attention when I walk my Great Dane.
  • Simple and Sinister is pretty effective: On the StrongFirst site there's a story of a 73-lb weight loss using that approach. Here are the urls since I don't know how to put links in posts.…