Tabitha1908 Member


  • It's always great to have support! Anyone can add me. If there's anyone doing low carb- high fat please add me. I need some motivation!
  • I started low carb this week and would like to have some support and see what everyone else is eating, add me if you like!
  • Hi Marzie, I also hve lupus. SLE type. Was diagnosed in December 2010. And it's been a struggle- learning my body, figuring how to keep weight down and knowing what causes flares. It's been a challenge. My hardest part is committing to a healthy and anti inflammatory diet. There is so much research on leading an anti…
  • Hi all! I also hve SLE lupus and I'm trying MFP again. Hve put on some weight from my medication and I'm just feeling miserable. My goal is to pay more attention to what I eat and workout 20-25 min 2-3 times per week. Trying not to push too hard starting out
    in lupus Comment by Tabitha1908 March 2014