
  • Don't beat yourself over it. it's just a slip. continue on because there are peaks and valleys in anyone trying to succeed.
  • I just started a cross fit program with the intent of getting an evenly distributed workout of my entire body. My personal trainer is currently accessing where I'm at now and where I want to be. I'm probably in the pre-requiste stage which is ok with me. He has me do a different routine every time so my body can get…
    in Cross Fit Comment by PAULO65 August 2013
  • I'm having the same problem now. I joined a 30-day stop smoking support group a few years ago and "quit" smoking during the 30 day session and for about 5 months taking the nicotine gums without the support group. After that i stopped taking the gum and threw away the box thinking I'm "ok". But low and behold I picked up…