Having no bench I would suggest dead lifts, cleans, and bent-over barbell rows as all three are compound lifts that require a large number of different muscle groups to perform.
Came here to suggest weight training. Even if the pounds don't come off as readilly as you would like them, the definition you gain in the interim will more than gratifying. You don't have to fear becoming a she-hulk or anything, women aren't usually able to pack on that kind of muscle naturally. Lifting weights differs…
This is the answer to almost every weight lifting problem. Every time I hit failure on a lift I take a rest, then do a form check with just the bar then deload anywhere from 15%-20% of my last successful set. Sometimes you forget to focus on all the different parts of your body that need to engauge (i.e. all of them lol)…
You may also try practicing or even warming up with a series of third-world squats, sometimes when my hips feel tight or achy I sit in a third-world squat position for a minute or so and it really loosens everything up.