

  • I was formally diagnosed in June only after I switched doctors. She said based on my history my blood sugar has been an issue. Carbs turn into sugars in the body. Lower fat is usually higher sugar or carbs and the body holds onto the sugar it cannot process and it turns into fat.
  • My previous diet was high in carbs low in fat so my calories were higher than you can get on low carb. Honestly I was 233lbs and should be 150 or even 140. My doctor has an approved special medical diet that are based on the shakes and bars which would be the same results. I felt eating real foods were better.
  • I agree. I will have to try my tablet in hopes they don't change that
  • my goal is simply reversing my diabetes. I am for from an eating disorder. I went for so many years dieting and working out and not losing. I don't cheat on my diets either. This doctor was the first to figure out my issue was diabetes and I was probably for many years insulin resistant. As soon as she explained what was…
  • Based on your total calories consumed today, you are likely not eating enough For safe weight loss, the National Institutes of Health recommends no less than 1000-1200 calories for women and 1200-1500 calories for men. Even during weight loss, it's important to meet your body's basic nutrient and energy needs. Over time,…
  • Ketosis makes me not hungry most of the time and it takes little to fill me at this point. I know I cant stay on this restrictive for a long time. I will be going away in october and planning on increasing intake just before I go.
  • My doctor looks at mfp logs. her suggestion was to gradually increase carbs. my only thing is that it will bump me out of ketosis. I could stand to lose 50 more pounds I was reserved with the weight I chose initially. So I was extremely over weight and need to try and get off diabetes meds.
  • I feel ok. Not alot of energy but have lost 31 pounds in just about 9 weeks or so. I took a bit to get use to it. Wish I could have more protein. I have not had enough energy to work out but plan on starting in september.
  • I have not seen this message before and I have been on this for 9 weeks at same general calorie intake. It just showed tonight
  • My doctor says my 800 calorie diet would be fine to get the weight loss I need to try and reverse my diabetes. Some days im only at 700 or 600. It took me time to be satisfied with this low calorie diet. I was eating probably more than 3500.
  • My problem is low carbs and I have to limit my protein intake due to having only one kidney. Cant seem to get my calories up. but why would it change all of a sudden and not calculate? it was up until yesterday and then today when I looked back on days it had that message?