

  • I'm 29, I'll be the big 3-0 in late October, which I am PROUD of! I have been on a weight loss journey the past 7 years, although wedded bliss and pregnancy put a damper on me for a little bit. I have decided that it's time for ME and that I need to be healthy not just for me, but also for my two and half year old…
  • You can add me. My diary is open, and I log daily, multiple times a day actually. I find I'm more accountable, but I still like my snacks, I will find a way to have them! 15 pounds down :)
  • I'm usually on here multiple times a day! Add me if you want another friend! We can all use the support, no matter if we know the people or not! Our journeys are similar, so we have a common goal in life to start with :)