

  • add it to pasta sauce. it gives it a tang and makes it creamy. i usually add 1 small container to a 1/2 gallon of sauce. its awesome!
  • if you can do it, wake up one morning without an alarm clock and check your pulse right away. that is your resting HR. you should try to get between 180-200% of that. ie: if your resting HR were 80 you should try to stay in the range of 145-160.
  • There are a ton of different fitness plans out there to follow. if you are working out and trying to put on lean muscle than you can eat as much as 50% protien a day with 30% carbs and 20% fat. i have done this in the past and found it hard to eat that much protien. (picture eating 4-6 chicken breast a day) In most cases,…
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