

  • I would love to try this! I wouldn't be able to start until my kitchen is done, which should be done by next weekend *fingers crossed*
  • Make a list of changes, like drinking more water, walking X-amount of minutes a week, etc. Then choose the easiest on your list and make that your week's goal. The following week, pick another item on your list while still following the previous week's goal. Rinse and repeat. If you had a bad day, just start again the next…
  • @rros: kudos to you! Undergrad or graduate? @stat: I have a Vitamix. My one concern with removing all the fiber via juicing is that it's a huge spike in sugar, but I guess if you're just juicing veggies, it's not as bad. There's obviously a huge market for juicing, and I admit that I have not researched the benefits and…
  • @inferiormeats: the difference between undergrad and graduate school… oh my goodness! Hopefully you can help get my butt back into shape by slapping some sense back into me. I'm big into excuses when it comes to not doing my workouts :embarassed: @jolly: added you! @jen: FINALLY someone who understands! Friends and family…
  • @Jen: then we will be the bestest accountability buddies ever, because I'm the same exact way! I think my speeches go in one ear and out the other… if my brain even computes what I say at all :grumble: The winter is the hardest for me, too. I used to go to the gym every morning by 7:30, but this semester of grad school has…
  • I'm thinking it'll be done in three more weeks. I wish it would be sooner, but what can ya do? Definitely will be complete before Christmas, though, as my parents have enjoyed reminding me by sending me emails with lots of recipe ideas. Guess I'm cooking this year? Haha. That sounds REALLY good! I'll have to go buy some…
  • Oh how I miss the days where I could go cold turkey LOL
  • @annsmall1984: Added! Carbs are great, but not when they become your staple. Even now I'm thinking about having some granola instead of a salad. But I'm also sick, so any sort of effort = too much right now haha. I wish I was more motivated again to exercise! It's such a great stress reliever… but this semester has wiped…