icks90 Member


  • You are all freaks, mine isn't like that :tongue: Anyway, good job all of you. I am lacking quite a bit, but hopefully the increase in running will help me out!! Keep up the good work!!
  • Thanks everyone!!
    in Hey!! Comment by icks90 March 2008
  • That is awesome. congratulations!!
  • I like to run outside for just under 30 minutes. I am a slow runner, so it takes me about 27 minutes to run 2.5 miles. I love it!! I also have done some swimming, so if you have access to a pool, swimming laps has helped me tone up in the past!! I need to get back into it myself!!
  • I am looking for new, great ideas to tone up my body. I am in shape, but need to tone up. I would love to meet new people and have more accountibility. Also, if anyone has any tips on how to firm up skin, I have very loose skin, and would like to do something about it, if possible. Willing to learn, and looking forward to…
    in Hey!! Comment by icks90 March 2008