

  • Not necessarily lower calorie foods, but definitely make things like pizza or something else unhealthy have more protein. I absolutely hate the hungry feeling and if I don't have time to cook, I know it's too easy to reach for something simple or grab takeout.
  • This! Eating more slowly helps too. I used to eat so quickly because I was a) hungry and b) knew I was eating too much and didn't want anyone to have time to comment. Then I'd end up way over eating because my brain hadn't yet realized that I'd eaten, let alone that I ate way too much.
  • I find chewing a piece of gum helps me decide if I actually want food or if I just felt like chewing on something food-like. Keep hydrated because you can think you're hungry even though you may just be in need of a drink. Keep in mind that you probably don't want to drink your calories so if you need an afternoon…
  • 1. How handsome he is. Sweaty, dirty, sick, dressed up. Doesn't matter. He always looks amazing. 2. He helps me handle my hard-to-handle quirks. 3. He loves me whether I lose weight or not.