

  • ok i am having a hard time tracking what I am doing as far as exercise. I am walking on a treadmill at 3.5 - 4.0 doing a thing called rolling hills. Which basically has different inclines at different times. Also I am doing abdominal leg lifts ( i think thats what its called? ) where you lay down and then lay your hands…
  • I know me too! I had such a tiny purky booty and girl parts, and not its gone south. I will have to say though I was 189 when my husband married me, after I had already had 2 children of my own and he was handsome, single, and no kids. Thought I didnt stand a chance! But 6 years and a 2 year old later, he still calls me…
  • Hi Gals! I have been off and on this site for 2 years! I am determined this time cause summer is upon us and my skinny girlfriends who had babies 1 year ago already look FAB and I havent been under 180 lbs in 5 years! Not looking to be super skinny, but I dont want to be the "fat girl" in our group of friends anymore! Plus…