

  • Glad to know I am not the only one doing this! It is crazy, isn't it, the things you learn about food here. It makes it easier to avoid those foods that cause weight gain, I think. Don't worry about it, people who are not counting calories just don't want to hear how bad the food is that they are eating!
  • I really would like to look like a model............
  • Hi, welcome back! Stay positive and focused on your goal. You really have to want to do it. It's partly mental. MFP helps me a great deal, entering everything I eat and seeing how many calories, sugar, fat etc. is actually in the food I eat, helps me keep on track. You do have to have some discipline. Its tough, but sounds…
    in Hello!!! Comment by Shari62 March 2011
  • Ahcoble: Try Walden Farms salad dressing. The honey mustard is very good, creamy and no fat, no calories and only 270 mg sodium. I don't know how they do it! It's about $3.79/bottle and is usually found in the produce area. I did not care much for the Bleu Cheese one though. The Ranch is ok, but I found the HM to be the…
  • Lasagna with whole wheat noodles, fat free ricotta cheese with added zucchini slices. Mmm! Mmmm!
  • Welcome! I just started too and so far it is a really cool website! I hope you meet your goals!
    in Hello Comment by Shari62 February 2011