Nice to know I'm not the only one. Someone else that has it, without having a child. So mad at myself for letting this happen. I believe it's from gaining so much weight in college, then dropping it after graduation. Then kind of floated up and down 20lbs like it was my job for years. But good news is, I weighed myself…
Sentaruu, you're right. I'm so impatient! I have a bad habit of running to the mirror after a workout, and weighing myself every morning. Like I'm going to see results that quick? Yeah right, I'm just crazy lol. I wish I would have taken pictures every month til now, to actually be able to see the changes.
Unfortunately my belly is loaded with stretch marks :( I've got the whole shebang going on. Even the ones that go above the belly button, so even if I was to have surgery one day, a lot would still be there. If they weren't there, my skin would look a lot smoother, and I'd feel better about it. The only thing I dislike…
I'm new to this website, I saw others posting pics on other boards, there's got to be a way
I started saving for a tummy tuck, but I'd rather spend the money on a vacation or something else. I'll have the money in a few years, but I really want to avoid surgery. I've read dry brushing can help with cellulite, because my belly is loaded :( But I'm kind of skeptical about that also. I've been juicing, and my tummy…