mnoxon94 Member


  • I've bounced between 200 and 245 for the last 10 years. I've found that going to weight watchers seemed to be the only thing that worked, because I am a very competitive person. I took each weigh-in as a contest and I had to give it my all. I would drop from 245 to 215 in about 2 months, then take the next 2 months to get…
  • I'm in, but low back pain has always been an issue. But, I was able to do a couch to 5 k and now can run 10 miles weekly outside. I'm always looking for a new challenge.
  • Thank you. I know it may sound insignificant to many, but this is a huge motivation to keep tracking. Going from 119 to 0 really deflated my motivation, and this really helped Thanks. :smile: