

  • This is what I was thinking but unless she has like at least two episodes a week for several months it is ednos. Also to people telling her to seek psychiatric help: honestly how helpful fdo you think you are being right now?
  • Well yes but then I have an unhealthy view on it. I wish I could eat normally so any comments about my weight no matter what size I am aren't very well appreciated.
  • Do you mean as a one off thing/ short term plan or as something you want to keep up? I'd say you can liquid fast for up to four days if you just want a small cleanse type thing or 7-800 a day for several weeks because honestly that wont kill you. The only real danger there is trying to keep that up long term because you…
  • Okay so although I have no idea what that tdee thingy is I do know that you should have a pretty fast metabolism with your stats. Just like everyone else has said, check your numbers.
  • To be perfectly honest two days of plateau isn't really cause for concern. I know it can seem disheartening however and if you do find it very demotivating perhaps you should consider weighing yourself once a week instead of every day. You are much more likely to see better results.
  • Okay so I obviously don't really know anything about you but as someone who struggles with bulimia I know some stuff about EDs. To me it sounds much more likely that you have disordered eating rather than an eating disorder. Although it is possible that you have ednos (or osfed but I really hate that word) I think that…