

  • Has anyone here had family that served in Vietnam and were possibly exposed to Agent Orange? I was researching causes and there are a few VA cases that have attributed Hidradenitis Suppurativa as an effect to being sprayed with Agent Orange and has been shown to pass to offspring.
  • I know this is on a Wednesday, and I guess we are supposed to check in every week. Sorry! I'll try to remember to post here on Mondays. After the first week and a half in September,, I'm down four pounds, at 284. Started MFP in the beginning of August once I saw the scale hit 300. So, all together my total loss for Phase 1…
  • I want to join! I just began MFP earlier this month. (I also was trying out LoseIt, which is why there are some days missing.) I don't have any friends on here, and the majority of my friends are very fit and active, so I feel like I drag them down. I would love to join the challenge for the camaraderie and added support!…
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