matt090385 Member


  • Hey, Good luck. I'm the same, been on here on and off since 2013, lost all my weight and now put it back on again. I'm getting back on it.. Add me as a friend if you want.
  • Thanks for keeping the tradition going. Id like to join please. Thanks
  • Sorry transform is the wrong word. There is no magic transformation from one to the other. Unsubstantiated claim, however I would be inclined to agree. after discounting #1 Apologies completely agree. Thanks for pulling me up on my inaccuracies, Hopefully some clarification on #4 will help :-)
  • Hi, You sound like you’re working really hard and I understand how demotivating no signs of progress can be. Your lack of apparent loss could be coming from a few places. But before we enter the realm of why, promise the people of MFP that if you are to ask for our help that you won’t give up! The most likely cause of your…
  • Hi Laura, Congratulations on getting to month 2 of insanity, You must be working pretty hard because quite frankly there is no such thing as an easy insanity workout. Your lack of loss could be coming from so many places. 1. Internal body fat is being transformed to muscle. Your profile doesn't indicate your weight only…
  • I'm not a woman, I haven't done insanity all the way through before and I don't have any before pic. (not really filling your criteria I know.) I am however re-starting Insanity tomorrow. Best of Luck Minnb its hard work but good fun!
  • Hi For every suggestion I make their will be someone with an opposite opinion, but here's my take. Working the grave shift is tough. One day your bodies in (night mode) asleep and the next your feeding it cake... "well hopefully not cake exactly" What's important to remember is you eat 3 balanced meals during "YOUR" day.…