

  • I feel you! I am the same way. I did the same thing. I started working out and eating healthy for 5 weeks exactly too. Then I had my 30th B-day party and I went way over bored and ate like crap for the following 2 weeks. I am now trying to get back into the swing of things. I have like 20 lbs to lose. Everyone says that I…
  • i can completely agree with everyone. i just rejoined i think a month ago. it really does help to see other people pushing and staying positive. MFP really has helped me. i have always gone up and down with my weight. i have always lost the unhealthy way by really not eating much at all. once i would hit that "goal" weight…
  • first let me say that i have been doing the jillian michaels DVDs and i love them. i started out with the ripped in 30 then i got the killer thighs and now i am working with the shed and shred. shed and shred is my favorite out of all three. she has a 30 min level one, 45 min level 2 or a hour long combination of 1 and 2.…