

  • I found that 1200 calories is a good base if you aren't working out. If you are working out then you should eat your workout calories. This can raise the calories you need to eat in a day to a manageable 1400-1600. Also what you eat can change your fullness. 1200 calories of whole foods and large, but low calorie, portions…
  • I definitely want to try her meal plan. I'm trying to figure out how to make healthier versions of my favorites so that weight loss can be more natural.
  • So not alone! I lost my freshman 50 from culinary school only to gain 80 back after I got married! Then I lost 40, and gained it back - then 20 and gained it back. The 20 pounds came and went only 3 months ago. It really sucks but I know I can do this permanently. And so can you!
  • You are amazing...but probably not in the way that you think...
  • I need to lose a 100 pounds also. I'm 5'1 and 220, probably more. Support would be awesome.
  • Amazing! You are such an inspiration! :)
  • I'm checking out all those youtube channels. Those are great motivation techniques!
    in Motivation Comment by Mgsilve April 2014
  • That's brilliant! Especially the 5 pound loss rewards. I've never seen that youtube show, but I'm going to watch it right after I post here. It looks intriguing. I'm going to have to try both of your motivators.
    in Motivation Comment by Mgsilve April 2014
  • You should look this up, but a lot of sources say that men should eat at least 1500 calories or something like that. The 1200 calorie rule only applies to women. If I were you I'd do some research on what your calorie intake should be.
  • Close! I'm 5.1 26 years old SW: 221 CW: 201 GW: 125/135
  • Grapes are my favorite, a cup is only 65 calories. If you freeze them they are like little candies. I also like pistachios with the shell on because it feels better than eating potato chips (when you have to get them out). Apples with peanut butter is yummy and nostalgic. :) Any yummy fruit or nut is great.
  • Almost any food in bulk. I just have to stick to individual packaging or I'm in big trouble. Chocolate and nutella are the worst for me.
  • I'm here because of birth control weight gain. I gained 50 pounds from depo, and then 30 more from emotional eating due to weight gain. The pill isn't that bad, but there might be some weight gain, nothing as excessive as depo but weight gain does happen. The patch is pretty great, and I started losing weight after I got…
  • I've also struggled with yoyo dieting. Last year I would gain and lose up to 40 pounds several times. It really really sucked. I've gotten more stable by making my own way of eating that is realistic, but it is still hard to keep my head in the game. My family lives 2000 miles away so not having that support is making…
  • Hello! My name is Maria and I just turned 26. I started my journey last year, but I ended up yo-yoing and crash dieting and it was a big mess - the year ended with me being the same weight as I had begun. This year I focused on health, and consistency and so I've lost 20 pounds since the middle of January from purely…
    in Hi Comment by Mgsilve April 2014
  • Me too!
  • I ate clean for several months, and then indulged in an unhealthy dinner. A few agonizing hours later it all left my system. I could not hold the food down, and all I ate was a fast food meal. Bizarre right? I can eat homemade unhealthy foods without trouble, like homemade french fries.
  • Fitting into old pants is the main way I notice any difference. Honestly, I'm just beginning to notice at a 30 lb loss, I probably won't really notice until I've lost more...sadly.
  • I try to find a healthier alternative. Like, I NEED chocolate around that time. So I make hot cocoa with unsweetened cocoa powder, stevia, and light whipped cream. It helps quell the chocolate cravings.