LagputLew Member


  • How long does the ginger last? Do you freeze it?
  • I picked up the Bullett. The 900 series which was on sale at Target. I've used it this weekend and tried many of your shares. It's awesome. Awesome tip on freezing fruit too ADS or JerseyGirl. It's like a whole new world out there with so many gadgets and devices. Thanks for sharing all of your humble opinions! Shake and…
  • Looking forward to it. Thanks
  • Ok this thing must have some serious blades. I will do more researching on it. My current blender doesn't have the muscle to chop up garlic or a full onion
  • If I buy one I'll share some recipes with ya
  • Thanks
  • Learning new terms here.. Shakeology? Is that a new dance? :-) or a something a bartender does? Cool to know
  • Learning new terms here.. Shakeology? Is that a new dance? :-) or a something a bartender does? Cool to know
  • Wow you can use Frozen fruit as well? Did not know that? Thanks. I might buy one
  • Smashy, Nice topic especially if anyone has a high Sodium intake. This app is great for showing what you're missing in terms of consumption. Feel free to message me. I am consciously working on hitting my daily goals for potassium. A Large number of Potassium Mgs can be consumed with by drinking LOW Sodium Vegetable Juice.…
  • It's sad to see an everday act of kindness fade away. I was in Manhattan last week opened the door for a woman and said good morning, she stopped turned and asked me if I was from Texas :-) I feel that the human touch has become less important than automated availability and how smart a device or call service is.
  • Oh no was I not supposed to say that??? :-) add me too
  • So this is where you've been hiding out MJ
  • Did you guys ever get an estimated calculation for this? Thanks for the help.
  • I'm not sure what happened here to "Brent" but I was completing the action of adding him as a friend and his account is deactivated? Look for invites from me then since it appears this guy is now a ghost.
  • I'm in. Someone asked for a song to add to the workout Mix. My recommendation for today would be: "Give Me The Beat" by Ghostland Observatory It's a great play anywhere in your workout for an up tempo boost. Now that we're all here, what next?? :-)